Advertising rules

The following content is not allowed to advertise:

Alcohol, smoking, drugs. Alcoholic, alcohol-containing products, including means for the production of alcohol. Tobacco products and smoking accessories, including hookahs, electronic cigarettes, vaporizers, wipes and accessories for them. Narcotic, psychotropic substances and means of their use.

Copies and replicas of goods. Counterfeit goods or copies that use the original name and brand.
Financial pyramids. Network marketing, self-help cash registers, services for quick and instant earnings.
Gambling Casinos, theists and other games based on risk and betting, with the exception of poker as intellectual commercial games.

Weapon Military products, weapons, explosives. Subject to the conditions allowed advertising pyrotechnic products and products, structurally similar to the weapon, but it is not.
Products for adults. Products and services of an erotic nature, goods and stores for adults, accompanied by candid photos.

Healing Predictions, witchcraft, esoterics, tarot, extrasensory perception, NLP and other similar services.

Law violation. Services hacking pages, promotion of communities and applications, spam mailing. Software or any other software that may lead to deception of users.

Violation of the rights of third parties. Must not violate the rights of third parties, trademark rights and other property rights.

Products and services whose advertising is allowed with restrictions

Medicine and pharmaceuticals. Medicines, dietary supplements, cosmetics and beauty services.
Financial and insurance services.

Banking and microfinance organizations, forex dealers, binary options.
Some products and services.

Jewelry and fur products, food, children’s and sports nutrition, joyful detective stories, pawn shops, paintball and other similar games, charitable organizations, incentive events and lotteries, dating services.